Life should be fun and feel satisfying. Start planning to enjoy movement, redefine workouts, upgrade rest and recovery, and prioritize self care. By avoiding chronic exercise patterns, we improve our desire to move while avoiding inflammation, injury, and the other pitfalls of over training. Incorporate improved mindset and self care rituals to complete the package. Suggestions below can be met with a mindset of flexibility and personal choice.
Movement and self care can and should feel like play!

Find time for brief but intense resistance workouts a few times a week
10-30 minutes max
Consider Micro Workouts

Frequent Movement
Increase General Movement
Avoid Prolonged Inactivity
Hike, walk, paddle, swim, yoga, Pilates

Go hard every once in a while.
8-20 second bursts of all out effort
Once every week or 2

Get outside every day!
Spontaneously participate in fun activities.
Connect with friends and family

Slow down
Schedule time to do nothing
Take a day off